Landlord Application and Ordinance’s.

Below you will find the applications that are needed to be able to rent a property in the Borough of Wall. You will also find Ordinances for Landlord and Tenants. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding any of this information please contact the Borough Secretary at 412-824-3333 or by e-mail

We need the Company name, owners real name, physical address, e-mail and phone #.

If the owners physical address is more than 15 miles from the Borough, they must have a contact person

who lives within 15 miles of the Borough. The contact person's real name, physical address, e-mail, and phone #.

Failure to provide this information may result in the Borough denying renewal of the license, and issuing a citation with the local Magistrate to have occupancy revoked.




Electricity: Duquesne Light- 412-393-7100

Gas: Peoples- 1-800-764-0111

Water: MAWC- 724-755-5800

Sewage: Wall Borough Sewage Department- 412-824-3333

Garbage: Big’s Sanitation 724-379-4331

real easte & other taxes:

Keystone Collection Group- 724-978-0300